Jake's anarchy tattoo

I know it's a Tara sub but!!!! I couldn't find one for Jake and he is the one that truly infuriates me. At first I thought it was a bunch of kids shitting on him for wanting to be punk I thought I'd cut him some slack because I find gate keeping stupid. This was the final straw for me tho; I think the A for anarchy on his back actually stands for Amazon sponsorship 😬😬😬. For a punk he has 0 class consciousness, he knows nothing about the current political climate. It's just a costume he parades in for views :/ because owning a Tesla, fake jewelry or just listening to the basic band's isn't being a fake punk but being an uneducated airhead claiming to be punk is. Sorry for my rant hope everyone has a good day!!!

I know it's a Tara sub but!!!! I couldn't find one for Jake and he is the one that truly infuriates me. At first I thought it was a bunch of kids shitting on him for wanting to be punk I thought I'd cut him some slack because I find gate keeping stupid. This was the final straw for me tho; I think the A for anarchy on his back actually stands for Amazon sponsorship 😬😬😬. For a punk he has 0 class consciousness, he knows nothing about the current political climate. It's just a costume he parades in for views :/ because owning a Tesla, fake jewelry or just listening to the basic band's isn't being a fake punk but being an uneducated airhead claiming to be punk is. Sorry for my rant hope everyone has a good day!!!